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Bildlänkar, Stränder och Snö! Vårnyheter 2024
A story in progress without a title... [Numoori fanfiction??] Dot_cl10 tis 05 mar 2024, 12:23 av Yargol
Redan 2024? Som tiden går. Då är det minsann dags för nyheter! Glad
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Togos, NPCer på wikin, och mer! Vinternyheter 2023 ❄️
A story in progress without a title... [Numoori fanfiction??] Dot_cl10 fre 06 jan 2023, 21:02 av Yargol
Gott Nytt År Numoori! Och god Jul i efterskott Eye sparkle
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 A story in progress without a title... [Numoori fanfiction??]

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Spelas av : Merran

InläggRubrik: A story in progress without a title... [Numoori fanfiction??]    sön 28 jun 2020, 10:03

Jag har det senaste halvåret börjat utmana mig själv med att skriva berättelser på engelska. Utmaningen till mig själv kom på grund av att jag har en elev som under vårterminen skrivit en berättelse på engelskalektionerna (går i femman men skriver typ bättre än mig på engelska xD). 

Jag välkomnar all typ av kritik, om det nu är någon som orkar läsa ^^' Detta är ett work in progress, och handlar om Midas. Se det som typ Numoori fanfiction xD Berättelsen ska inte ses som faktiska IC-händelser, även om vissa saker faktiskt kommer vara hämtade från rollspel... 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The night seemed endless. The trees stretching its long claws towards the moon, casting shadows in an abandoned forest. Somewhere in the distance, an owl called out its loneliness, making the dark forest seem somewhat alive. Through the forest, big, black paws were placed on the ground, repeatedly. A dark shadow made its way, determined, and with a goal in sight. The two-coloured eyes, on a two-coloured face, were focusing ahead, not taking any notice of what the creature passed along the way. Once it had made its way through the forest, and met the open terrain of the plains, it slowed down and stood still. 

The creature, which in fact was nothing more than a big wolf, stood at the edge of the forest, staring into the plains. He was waiting for someone, someone he wasn’t sure were going to make its appearance. He sighed quietly and sat down in the grass, still waiting in his place. He stayed through the night. When the moon started to change position with the sun, he saw a silhouette, far away. Even though he could not make out exactly who it actually was, he was sure it was the one he was waiting for. He kept his position as the black wolf made its way towards him. 

“You came”, he said.
“Of course”, answered the approaching wolf and sat down before him. “Of course I came, Midas.”
Midas, as the two-coloured eyed wolf was called, chuckled.
“Well, can you blame me for not trusting your word?” he said, rather shilly. He was not hasty with trusting others, and surely not those who once had betrayed him in the past. The wolf Midas had before him now was nothing more than a traitor, even though they may be connected by blood. 
“Have I ever lied to you, my son?” said the other wolf calmly. 
“It depends on how you see it”, answered Midas. “Not telling me, your own son, that you are about to leave the family… You must understand how that makes me feel lied to?”
The father took a deep breath as he shook his head. 
“Yes, I can understand that. But understand this: the pack, the pack you hold so dear, they are not family. I thought so too, once, but they are in fact not your family. That's why I had to leave. I do not stand by their values, as they are vicious”, he said.
Midas felt anger rising up inside of him. How dared he talk about the pack that way? He had lived with the pack longer than Midas had done, and yet he had the guts to talk about them this way. Midas would not have it.
“You have no right to talk about them this way”, he said. “I will not hear it. Tell me why you wanted to see me, father.”
“I want to give you a chance to be free”, the father said. “Come with me, son, and be free. You will see that the pack, and the wolves you call family, isn’t worthy of your time and loyalty.”
Midas shook his head and grinned at his father. “I have made my choice, father, I choose the pack. You may be my father by blood, but I do not consider myself your son”, Midas said and stood up. He looked inside his father's blood red eyes and tried to understand how his father could have come to the decision to leave the pack. He knew it was some story about a heart-warming love, but since Midas hadn’t experienced love, he could not understand how that could drive someone to turn their back on their family. 
“Goodbye father”, he said, as he started walking away. Then he stopped, and turned his head to his father. “Oh, and father, as far as I’m concerned, you are a traitor. And you very well know what Devils do with them”, a smirk stretched across his face and then he kept walking home, leaving his dad behind.
A story in progress without a title... [Numoori fanfiction??]
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